Inovie Réunilab - Vauban de Saint-Denis

RéunionInovie Réunilab - Vauban



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32, Rue du Bois de Nèfles, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 90 23 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8883296, Longitude: 55.4592414

commentaires 5




    Quick, friendly. Parking is undeniably a plus because in this area, impossible to park No appointments for pcr tests and a large opening time slot. Located at the foot of a building, if you drive too fast, you risk not seeing it.

  • Guy Lacaille

    Guy Lacaille


    Professional and attentive staff

  • Kekooha



    Nothing to say Perfect... As much for the welcome as for the nurses who took care of us... A big thank you to them both... This July 27 at 8:35 am, my little boy (Benjamin 8 years old) and me ... It was his first blood test... They were more than brilliant... Kindness, listening and empathy... Once again, a thousand thanks from a mother and her little boy (and from him thank you for the drawing on the bandage 🐷😃)...

  • Frédérique FEGEAT

    Frédérique FEGEAT


    Hello, Very pleasantly welcomed by the secretary of the laboratory, a person who listens to patients, patient and kind. As for the nurse present this Tuesday 30/11 around 17.15, I was shocked by her aggressive behavior when I was stressed, sick for several days and came to do emergency analyses. No listening, patience, empathy or reassurance of patient orientation expected when practicing the profession of nurse guided by personal care. I left Laborun Vauban weakened by the bad blood test, stressed, outraged by this person's attitude...

  • Menzell



    Good laboratory, private parking and smiling team

Hôpital la plus proche

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