Escale des Calumets de La Plaine Des Palmistes

RéunionEscale des Calumets



🕗 horaire

679, Rue de la République, 97431, La Plaine Des Palmistes, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 51 44 21
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1549176, Longitude: 55.6094456

commentaires 5

  • S So

    S So


    Came several times, very good meal but reception for the unpleasant take away. Also portions served or several times the meat was removed from the tray. So a wing and a back piece. No meat found...

  • Gaëtan Deminière

    Gaëtan Deminière


    Plates expensive but well stocked. Supermarket frozen type cooking quality. Overall not great.

  • nice rose-aline

    nice rose-aline


    Very warm welcome, affordable price, and excellent meals.

  • Jean-Christophe Clement

    Jean-Christophe Clement


    Nice stopover at the Calumets stopover. All dodo beers are available. The quantity on the plate is perfect for the big eaters in the region. Chili pepper candy on top.

  • BONNET Miguel

    BONNET Miguel



Restaurant la plus proche

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