EHPAD Fabien LANAVE de Le Port

RéunionEHPAD Fabien LANAVE


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80, Avenue de la Commune de Paris, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 91 55 20
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9450411, Longitude: 55.2924312

commentaires 5

  • Marie josee Premont

    Marie josee Premont


    Passing through today to visit a resident. Clean premises. Well decorated. The very pleasant reception hall makes you want to go there. Smiling staff. Small flat, however, some residents do not know what to do in the common areas...

  • Liliane Saint-Alme

    Liliane Saint-Alme


    Good reception, good patient care

  • thxmxs



    Good idea to have an EHPAD at the Port, but the location is not good at all, with the noise, delinquency in this district

  • frederic manieca

    frederic manieca


    It's a very pretty building and there seems to be a good atmosphere in the teams working there.

  • Michel Gérard

    Michel Gérard


    My mother is there, the dedication of the staff is admirable, the place is clean and welcoming. Huge thank you and recognition to those who work for our parents.

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