Crédit Agricole Réunion - Mayotte de Saint-Denis

RéunionCrédit Agricole Réunion - Mayotte



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20-22, Avenue Leconte de Lisle, 97490, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 72 27 11
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.891899, Longitude: 55.481393

commentaires 5

  • Anais Labutte

    Anais Labutte


    I came for 2 problems, the young man was able to solve 4 problems for the application of my online account! A big thank you to him, tomorrow I will be able to travel serenely.

  • Magnolia



    Accessible car park. Spacious and for the services of the gabier we have more choice in this place

  • Dan Soo

    Dan Soo


    Limited responsiveness, they are understaffed In the morning waiting standing for at least 30 min, excellent for the elderly! Never answers the phone. And on the spot it is affirmed that it is like that, nobody will answer! There is a problem there!

  • Danaee Izumi

    Danaee Izumi


    Already now in the afternoons, they are closed, I wasted 1 hour of my time calling them in a vacuum, NO answer. Very disappointing customer service, constraining, I am thinking of changing banks as soon as possible.

  • Sophie Isanamussidan

    Sophie Isanamussidan


    Today I am waiting to receive my credit card. I withdraw cash at the counter while waiting. Unfortunately I work until 4:00 p.m., my agency closes at 5:00 p.m. I think I can go to the counter? Hey no!! There will be no one available to help me because everyone is by appointment. This transaction takes two minutes! I am advised to make my arrangements and withdraw more in the future 🙄🙄🙄… hats off to a client for 20 years! I take WELL note and sorry for the next advisers that I will have online….

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