Caisse d'Epargne Saint Leu de Saint-Leu

RéunionCaisse d'Epargne Saint Leu



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197, Rue du General Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 34 78 66
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1714103, Longitude: 55.2881756

commentaires 5

  • Florence Vitry

    Florence Vitry


    Very good agency, nice welcome. I advise you

  • Cecilia Rambaud

    Cecilia Rambaud


    It is simply unacceptable to have a bank like this. Our advisor treats us really badly, and even when she deigns to answer us. She is non-productive and never responds to our requests. Definitely don't go there

  • James Schiavon

    James Schiavon


    How can a bank like this still exist? They gave me a cashier's check and it's impossible to verify its authenticity. One star is a lot. No one and no one. I've been trying for a week. Squirrel 🐿️, you're killing your tail. People answer your phone

  • PR Falco

    PR Falco


    Mok in sheet metal for zot. A deplorable reception. I passed one afternoon, after two bells a lady appears. First I apologize to her because I know very well that the bank does not receive without an appointment in the afternoon. I simply ask the question: is it possible to make an appointment in order to have information for a possible credit. And here I quote "you read the mR sign and you still rang? Switch to morning schedules. » Sorry to have disturbed you Madam Councillor!

  • Playmooo 974

    Playmooo 974


    New agency after several years without a simple check delivery box, still so much turnover, still just as unreachable so forced to take special leave to deal with simple requests and still just as incompetent after more than 12 years at home... Very unhappy all the same after all this money held in their hands! Then we wonder why everyone is starting to switch to online banks where there is follow-up and answers and above all card subscription fees at 0€...

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