Caisse d'Epargne Saint Gilles les Bains de Saint Paul

RĂ©unionCaisse d'Epargne Saint Gilles les Bains



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4, Rue du Général de Gaulle, 97434, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 33 14 61
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0482269, Longitude: 55.2217864

commentaires 5

  • Gerald Françoise

    Gerald Françoise


  • Audrey Melobosis

    Audrey Melobosis


    Great welcome!

  • Elsa Thomas

    Elsa Thomas


    Very professional and pleasant advisor.. congratulations

  • elphie 974

    elphie 974


    Following an exchange on gsm this Friday at 9:36 am, with a haughty character. (he will recognize himself) I gave him all the requested documents and still blame myself for the time spent. A BANK WHERE CUSTOMERS ARE AT THE SERVICE OF PERSONNEL. That I intend to offer 3 of my employees this finding a client at home a bonus, in order to change bank. And why not my clients it's an idea. This will allow him to take people less high. Hoping that the management read this message

  • Nathan Fontaine

    Nathan Fontaine


    Welcoming agency, smiling staff and quality advice.

Banque la plus proche

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