Caisse d'Epargne Saint Andre Andropolis de Saint-André

RéunionCaisse d'Epargne Saint Andre Andropolis



🕗 horaire

100, Chemin Lefaguyes, 97440, Saint-André, Canton de Saint-André-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 46 38 46
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9630451, Longitude: 55.6594998

commentaires 5

  • Jessy LEGER

    Jessy LEGER


    An adviser who never responds to email or very late. A simple request for information and no response... pathetic!!!




    Customer relationship, catastrophic! emails sent, no response. File in progress no news, constantly absent. 25 years of savings bank, I can't wait to leave. 1 star is already a lot!

  • Elbono



    Beautiful agency, the staff is responsive and efficient, always a warm and pleasant welcome!

  • Laura SANGARIN

    Laura SANGARIN


    If I could leave a star I would. I have never had such poor service. And that's the word that describes you. An unreachable team. An unreachable adviser. A dismal internet interface in 2 years the only thing I could do: check my account! I am domiciled in Paris, so I do not have access to my accounts but beyond that there is no alternative offered for this kind of situation. I find myself without a card for 3 weeks oh yes because your administration forgot to take into account my change of address. And I spend incompetence! I hope you will bring this up and it is not a simple message previously recorded that will help me.

  • Captain Jack

    Captain Jack


    Always having to wait in long queues

Banque la plus proche

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