Cabinet dentaire fiorini de Le Tampon

RéunionCabinet dentaire fiorini



🕗 horaire

17, Rue Victor Hugo, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 22 70 24
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2807879, Longitude: 55.5209773

commentaires 5

  • Véronique Fontaine

    Véronique Fontaine


    Dental practice to recommend on the Tampon. From making appointments to treatments, it's really good. The secretary is very attentive, available and friendly. The practitioner is very professional, efficient and attentive to his patients.

  • Tom One

    Tom One


    - Very very professional dentist! attentive, gentle in listening to the patient. -Clean office!! -Very professional social assistant!! very welcoming!! -Good firm highly recommended!- ——————————————————————

  • Virginie Lebon

    Virginie Lebon


    Caring dentist, listening, attentive to the well-being and pain of his patients. He knew how to be very understanding with regard to my hypersensitivity. He was very gentle and very clear in his explanations. I recommend it with no hesitation.

  • Cedric Gence

    Cedric Gence


    Super dentist who explains well (and reassures) while giving very good advice for daily dental care. Quick appointment booking Also very friendly as well as his dental assistant. Very good team Go for it

  • Laura Godet

    Laura Godet


    Great dentist! Listening and very reassuring he takes the time to explain things well, I have a blue scythe of the dentist but I will not flee my next appointment as usual thanks to him.

Dentiste la plus proche

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