BRED-Banque Populaire de Saint-Pierre

RĂ©unionBRED-Banque Populaire



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45, Rue du Four Ă  Chaux, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 820 33 64 92
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3421538, Longitude: 55.4733942

commentaires 5

  • Patty Payet

    Patty Payet


    A counselor very attentive to her client knew how to advise me and guide me to satisfy my request. Always available and efficient.

  • Bamba 974

    Bamba 974


    Unreachable, take a lot of money and do nothing to facilitate customers. Refer you to services in mainland France which themselves do not have access to your file. Making fun of

  • valĂ©rie AHOVEY

    valérie AHOVEY


    Ladies Dourman and Deboivilliers are true professionals, always listening to customers. They give you excellent advice. Everyone agrees that they are dynamic and efficient




    I advise my companion and everyone around me to choose BRED, the best choice of bank from all points of view. In particular the city agency LE TAMPON 97430 LA REUNION

  • Kristina Voß

    Kristina Voß


    When I put my bank card in the machine, the local language changed to mine. But that is the only positive aspect of my visit. The bank charges a fee of 37%, although there is no currency exchange. I am very outraged by the high fees, which are not displayed beforehand and only appear on the receipt after the payment has been made.

Banque la plus proche

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