Boutique Nespresso Réunion Saint-Denis i Saint-Denis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningBoutique Nespresso Réunion Saint-Denis



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60, Rue Jean Chatel, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +33 800 22 20 00
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.8785615, Longitude: 55.4498023

kommentar 5

  • Marc Baudy

    Marc Baudy


    Very disappointing. There is a Tasting section in the shop and yet, it is impossible to buy a coffee to taste there. I don't even understand how this is possible. In all the other Nespresso stores where I went, it was possible to taste a coffee and then buy capsules. Not here. It's really very unfortunate.

  • Adelys Royal

    Adelys Royal


    You will travel the world with your palate and your coffee. Very well organized store. Clear, bright and clean. Very pleasant welcome. Attentive and smiling hostesses. Very good advice for choosing your coffee. My favorite coffee is the Ristretto intensity 10. During my visit I tasted the Napoli intensity 13 with flavors that you will keep in your mouth all morning. A wide variety of coffees depending on the intensity you like and decaffeinated for the end of the day. There are also coffees with aromas of vanilla, chocolate etc... There will also be limited coffee editions during the year. What is unfortunate at Nespresso is that you cannot come to them to buy a cup of coffee to drink. There are fewer potential customers. A large number of accessories, cups, teaspoons, bags for your used capsules... The price of capsule cases may vary. The capsules are recyclable so bring them back to the store. Accessible to people with reduced mobility but the front door is still a little hard to open. A sliding door with presence detector would be best for wheelchair accessibility. Of course the hostesses come to help you and welcome you without any problem. There are toilets, just ask. Good visit and tasting.




    Well located and clean shop. Caring and attentive staff. A lot of choices .

  • Tristan Bastien

    Tristan Bastien


    Home very well. Very good service. More expensive price of around 2 euros/product.

  • VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline

    VALETTE “Diane” Jacqueline


    Pleasant and modern shop, qualified and efficient saleswomen. Impersonal but professional. It lacks a bit of heat despite everything. The store is closing soon for renovations. Points of sale set up at other merchants.

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