Auberge piton fougeres de Sainte-Marie

RéunionAuberge piton fougeres


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272, Route des Fleurs, 97438, Sainte-Marie, Canton de Sainte-Marie, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 53 88 04
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9694513, Longitude: 55.5269505

commentaires 5

  • Jbs974 Jbs974

    Jbs974 Jbs974






    Very good for baptism evenings, very good meals and also the music, very nice place.

  • Sandra Carpaye

    Sandra Carpaye


    Nice atmosphere and very good food. Special mention for the boss's pumpkin cake! Excellent. Staff at the top.

  • GrazSam Sam

    GrazSam Sam


    Everything was perfect for our mom's birthday! Awesome home! Meal to die for! With special attention for my vegetarian friend, a Chinese omelette without meat or fish, just delicious!!!! Atmosphere guaranteed! I recommend !

  • Stéphane ALLOUCHE

    Stéphane ALLOUCHE


    Excellent Creole cuisine over a wood fire, which reminds us of that of our grandmothers when we were "kids"!!! The atmosphere is good-natured, in an original setting. The place is ideal if you want to eat well, without getting too hot in summer. I recommend this address.

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