Au Bon Fromage de L'Étang-Salé

RéunionAu Bon Fromage



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Avenue Raymond Barre, 97427, L'Étang-Salé, Canton de l’Étang-Salé, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 57 82 18
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.262522, Longitude: 55.3616876

commentaires 5

  • Rodolphe Beauchene

    Rodolphe Beauchene


    A discovery! Top notch service and advice. We were able to spend a great New Year's Eve with their products

  • Jeanmi Paquiry

    Jeanmi Paquiry


    Paradise for lovers of good cheese! But we pay the price

  • M J

    M J


    I'm not convinced on the hygienic side: they don't use gloves, when I went there, the young lady was scratching her arm (mosquito bite according to her) and she served me the cheese as if nothing was....won't go back.

  • Lakrima Italia

    Lakrima Italia


    Great little place. Cozy restaurant. Everything was perfect from starter to main course. Good wines. The foie gras to die for as a starter. The Savoyard fondue was excellent. The server very friendly welcome as it should. I will definitely come back to try the raclette and other cheese dishes. 5 stars without hesitation. I highly recommend

  • Marie Cassegrain

    Marie Cassegrain


    Excellent welcome both in terms of service and advice EXTRA refined and hearty meal In a green and pleasant setting "Amuse bouche" and digestive offered excellent I recommend the chocolate fondant which really melts in your mouth. Dare the Camembert for fear of regretting it. Already want to go back. We highly recommend this cheese getaway

Restaurant la plus proche

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