All Smile de Saint-André

RéunionAll Smile



🕗 horaire

112, Rue Victor Hugo, 97440, Saint-André, Canton de Saint-André-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 82 44 86
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.960571, Longitude: 55.652413

commentaires 5

  • Nicolas BRUNET

    Nicolas BRUNET


    Listening orthodontist and pedagogue. The treatments are explained in detail and Doctor ROBEIN reassures the child. From the first interview we note the professionalism and have confirmation of the seriousness during the care. Always punctual in appointments and above all welcomed by a smiling team in a practice very well equipped to put the children at ease. Recommend +++++

  • Marie Morel

    Marie Morel


    Very professional practitioner who listens to his patients. The cabinet is also nice. I highly recommend

  • Nathalie N (Nath)

    Nathalie N (Nath)


    Practitioner listens to patients. Warm and original cabinet.

  • Leo Seyer

    Leo Seyer


    Very professional. Already patient at home when he was in the west

  • Alexandre Robein

    Alexandre Robein


    Very warm welcome. Professional, punctual. I highly recommend it.

Dentiste la plus proche

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