U Express de Le Port

RéunionU Express



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31, Rue de Cannes, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 42 07 26
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9442382, Longitude: 55.2945607

commentaires 5

  • Luciano imiza

    Luciano imiza


    Very well positioned in downtown Porto, especially for the elderly

  • Patrick Hoarau

    Patrick Hoarau


    I have always been satisfied with u Express nothing to say continue like this

  • Annick Abouquir

    Annick Abouquir


    Very good it's not too far from my house I can go there at any time when it opens it's all

  • Béatrice Li

    Béatrice Li


    It's where I do my shopping. Cheaper than the so-called big box promotions!

  • johnny babou carimbacasse

    johnny babou carimbacasse


    For me it's a place to do my shopping, as I don't have a car, it's close, so it's great for me, sometimes I'll have a little snack, for now it's happening good, but hey, it's up to them to judge, as they are there all day, maybe see the sidewalks freed up later in order to circulate small carts, there would be less traffic.

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