Sakimfo BBQ HOUSE de Saint Pierre

RĂ©unionSakimfo BBQ HOUSE



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2, Rue Auguste Babet, 97410, Saint Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 43 70 18
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.342201, Longitude: 55.478392

commentaires 5

  • Nadia Aba

    Nadia Aba


    Very well received, in addition have not reserved. As a starter there are spring rolls of all kinds at 9€, for the main course are meat or prawns marinated either in satĂ© or ginger to be cooked on a barbecue encrusted in the table, accompanied by rice, peas and raw vegetables at 22€ and if you want a dessert you have chocolate fondant, crĂšme brĂ»lĂ©e etc... at 9€. You also have the cola drinks menu €4.50, etc...

  • Alex & Aurelie Spinola

    Alex & Aurelie Spinola


    Very disappointed with the food. The meat had no taste, the supposed black angus that I ordered was so bland, the vegetables were actually just cabbage and sesame oil and the rice had such a funny taste that we couldn't eat it. It was a waste of money.

  • CĂ©line Araboux

    CĂ©line Araboux


    Pleasant place in terms of the setting and the service even if the wobbly high table can be a little scary when you move a lot 😁. The dishes are fine and fairly balanced, however the quantity could be more important when looking at the prices. It is unfortunate that rice and cabbage are slightly lacking in seasoning, however this is easily balanced with meat or fish. Thank you for the gentle service.

  • Monica Silvia Tatoiu

    Monica Silvia Tatoiu


    The meat is great

  • fi fi

    fi fi


    Just great. Thank you for two wonderful evenings

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