Post Office i Saint-Leu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningPost Office



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20, Rue Adrien Lagourgue, 97424, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.2167947, Longitude: 55.3078102

kommentar 5

  • Marie claude Gonthier

    Marie claude Gonthier


    Too well was followed up with my adviser Jean Noël. Webcup.

  • kafrine des iles

    kafrine des iles


    It's a pleasant post office, the employers listen, but a negative point is the nàbicon is missing, which was very useful and fast before.

  • Stephen 1

    Stephen 1


    I think you are a little too often open. You should reduce your hours a little more to make sure no one can come....

  • Kelly Nowak

    Kelly Nowak


    I put a 5 star for the staff, but only 1 for the "disappearance" of the automaton. It's a waste of time for everyone, especially when it comes to buying stamps or having small envelopes stamped. During peak hours, the return to the time when we spent 3 hours at the post office will come back 😔 it's a shame!

  • Emmanuel Brochot

    Emmanuel Brochot


    No service Absence of automaton for postage It is not by doing so that we will subscribe to the mobile packages of the post office that they are trying to sell us.

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