Pomme de Pain - Saint-Denis i Saint-Denis

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GenforeningPomme de Pain - Saint-Denis



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21, Avenue de la Victoire, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 20 53 13
internet side: pommedepain.fr
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Latitude: -20.8775235, Longitude: 55.4484067

kommentar 5

  • Lucas Belmonte

    Lucas Belmonte


    A relaxing, warm and relaxed place, even at rush hour the manager allows himself to serve the customers, it's fast, organized, and the food is perfect. Hats off

  • Natella Bouchiat

    Natella Bouchiat


    vegetarian salad: a few leaves of green salad and 1 cherry tomato cut in 2 (yes! 1 cherry tomato), 3 very dry and very small mini falafel balls, cut in 2 for a quantity effect, and a spoonful of unseasoned hummus placed on it. A sauce cut in water and a slice of bread for 8 euros.... menu at 13 euros, but oh no! not coke zero: there you have to add 50 cents... I will avoid it in the future. Expensive and pointless

  • Maëlle Simon

    Maëlle Simon


    I have never seen such pleasant customer service. Always a kind word, an exemplary welcome, a small gesture when there is a wait. It clearly makes the difference and it makes you want to come back. Congratulations to the team! Bonus: the carbonara or salmon pasta is excellent and generous.

  • Y Evans

    Y Evans


    Cheaper ... or even more expensive available 200 to 500 meters south on Alexis VilleneuveRoad ... or perhaps 400 meters west towards Indian Ocean and seat of State government, the prefecture. Avoid apple cake (pie, in the USA. Not friendly. No smiles just: "crash to cash" for a toxic sandwich with too often bad, bad, bad service. Low on value for money, no atmosphere, etc. No walk a few steps south to barachoix for more expensive Paul or Rolland Garros or south for the cultural hub of cathedral square. At this writing a really great sandwich place across from the old city hall is taking advantage of Covid-19 to renovate. We miss them. Oh, and 500 meters south on Alexis Villeneuve road there is an expensive bakery open Sundays but not Tuesdays or Wednedays and very often closed for weeks when the owner Chinese family go on vacation. Typical Chinese no smiles but fantastically expensive delicious bakery sandwiches. The cook should be in the Michelin guide. Pastry lovers this is the place, but very high end well healed crowd. Lawyers, tailors, accountants, ...

  • Family 4L

    Family 4L


    We discovered it two days ago and we are really not disappointed, on the contrary. Very good welcome, fast, very good, good product and in addition no cooking in oil. The bread is warm, not too much sauce and there is plenty to choose from. Recommended. The top breakfast formulas, smoothies, orange juice, small Saturday morning pleasure.

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