L'Entre-Mets de Saint Paul




🕗 horaire

Rue du Cendragon, 97460, Saint Paul, Canton de Saint-Paul-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 692 96 30 30
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0351183, Longitude: 55.2726444

commentaires 5

  • Nolwen Mallet

    Nolwen Mallet


    Very good dishes!

  • Luna Vilasco

    Luna Vilasco


    Homemade food and fast service, I recommend!

  • Emmanuelle Laborde

    Emmanuelle Laborde


    New very welcoming snack bar. The fries are very good there as well as the chicken strips. I haven't had the opportunity to taste the whole menu but in terms of value for money I think it's okay, I ate well there for only 5€!

  • Rachel Rajosefa

    Rachel Rajosefa


  • Stéphane CAZANOVE

    Stéphane CAZANOVE


    We wish perseverance and courage to this new fast food which offers a more attractive à la carte menu than in tasting. It is absolutely necessary to serve "homemade" as mentioned on the flyers otherwise more than one customer will be disappointed despite the friendliness of your service. So far the prices are well above expectations. Best wishes.

Restaurant la plus proche

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