Leader Price de Saint-Benoît

RéunionLeader Price



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61, Rue Amiral Bouvet, 97470, Saint-Benoît, Canton de Saint-Benoît-1, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 50 14 23
site web: www.leaderprice.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.0359844, Longitude: 55.7192823

commentaires 5

  • Marie Josiane Riviere

    Marie Josiane Riviere


    Too expensive compared to the other brand and not much in the frozen aisles

  • Marie Weiler

    Marie Weiler


    Pretty expensive On the other hand, I went to a checkout where the cashier is adorable. Smiling. I really appreciated

  • Johan P

    Johan P


    Large car park. Cashier and fast cashier, those who can not wait too long. Big advantage, it is for this main reason that I go there mainly. After level choice it's fine. You just have to pay attention to the cold chain. Twice I buy ice cream, I quickly transport home in cooler. In the evening I realize that the ice cream had been melted and refrozen, because it no longer had the initial shape.

  • Martine Stap

    Martine Stap


    Not cheap but good butcher

  • Liam Dickson

    Liam Dickson


    Some products are a bit expensive but lovely staff

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