Le Saint Raphaël de Saint-Pierre

RéunionLe Saint Raphaël



🕗 horaire

17, Rue Benjamin Hoareau, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-1, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 692 21 50 50
site web: le-saint-raphael.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3171075, Longitude: 55.4538822

commentaires 5

  • karine ETHEVE

    karine ETHEVE


    We were invited to a wedding The evening went very well

  • Jean François Rousseau (ruso3)

    Jean François Rousseau (ruso3)


    Very nice room and very professional team!

  • Emmanuelle Laurence

    Emmanuelle Laurence


    Beautiful wedding, average room with a slightly low ceiling, impeccable meals and services.

  • Jean Vaast

    Jean Vaast


    large room for weddings I recommend because although large it is intimate everything is perfect

  • Chlo



    A pleasant time spent, a room and a friendly terrace. The surroundings of the room are not romantic and beautiful, the room is in an industrial area. The appetizers were good and varied. The entrees were of decent quality. The dishes were less satisfying with a vanilla duck far too sweet for everyone's taste. Overall, we had a pleasant time. The employees are pleasant and friendly.

Restaurant la plus proche

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