Le Gourmand de Le Tampon

RéunionLe Gourmand



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103 A, Rue du General de Gaulle, 97430, Le Tampon, Canton du Tampon-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 27 79 98
site web: legourmand.re
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.2716937, Longitude: 55.5153918

commentaires 5

  • Antoine A

    Antoine A


    Small stopover at the gourmet. The welcome and service was very friendly. And the meal was excellent. For my part took half a fried chicken. And it was very good. Go ahead and tell me what you think.

  • Jo Ajax

    Jo Ajax


    homemade iced tea WITHOUT SUGAR. Thanks for that.




    We order regularly at Le Gourmand du Tampon restaurant and after going to the Saint-Philippe restaurant for the first time during our vacation, I let a week go by in order to stay positive and try to be as neutral as possible. Thank you to the employees of Le Tampon for being so welcoming and smiling, even if sometimes we can see that you are tired, you always welcome us with a smile.

  • Emmanuelle Doublet

    Emmanuelle Doublet


    I'm a regular, I order every week and I've never been disappointed. The meals are excellent, the orders quick and the staff is very pleasant. I highly recommend.

  • John Di Rico

    John Di Rico


    Delicious food, a local recommended Le Gourmand and this is the only place we go for takeaway. Super friendly staff as well!

Restaurant la plus proche

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