Le Cardinal Des Grands Bleus de Saint-Leu

RĂ©unionLe Cardinal Des Grands Bleus



🕗 horaire

6, Rue Marcel Pagnol, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 34 98 30
site web: www.lecardinaldesgrandsbleus.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.181053, Longitude: 55.2913069

commentaires 5

  • Christelle Rumeldi

    Christelle Rumeldi


    From the airport to the site, I admit the distance and despite the GPS, not easy to find but when I arrived, it was 🆒 and pleasant, the accommodation, the decor, the layout, charming, clean, at 10:00 p.m. the swimming pool accessible, the backwash of the waves that night, it's wonderful, presence of 1 outdoor parking lot appreciated, easy reception,

  • Franek Malicki

    Franek Malicki


    Good hotel but there is no air condition

  • Y Evans

    Y Evans


    No WiFi, but there is a good collection of books to read and they have a pool. The hill up from the beach is a bit challenging. However, after walking up this hill you will be glad of the pool to cool off in. Some staff speak English. When we visited there were organized pool activities for children and adults.

  • Julien MARCENAC

    Julien MARCENAC



  • Judith Waller

    Judith Waller


    Well equipped kitchen, nice terrasse overlooking the pool with a view of the ocean in the distance. Great atmosphere for groups.

Lodging la plus proche

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