La Petite Brasserie i Le Port

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningLa Petite Brasserie



🕗 åbningstider

26, Rue de Saint-Paul, 97420, Le Port, Canton du Port, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 39 03 31
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.9377639, Longitude: 55.289994

kommentar 5

  • Ludovic Puydebois

    Ludovic Puydebois


    Impeccable service, with a smile, fast and efficient! The formula of the day is perfect and the desserts are delicious.

  • Nathalie Colard

    Nathalie Colard


    We eat well, we are well received. A simple menu that changes with the season. If ever the crispy toothfish are on the menu, hurry up it's a treat

  • Savita WOLFF

    Savita WOLFF


    Very good brewery. Pleasant and smiling staff, the dishes are always very good and well seasoned. Good value for money We go there regularly. I recommend

  • Elodie Elodie

    Elodie Elodie


    Warm atmosphere, always well received, pleasant and attentive staff. Very hearty and delicious meal. I highly recommend.

  • L L

    L L


    Very good restaurant. Well located and easily accessible. Car park nearby. Pleasant and cheerful welcome. The meals are very good and fresh. The drinks are homemade, lemonade, iced tea. The children's dish is not industrial. Breaded chicken and homemade fries. An address to test and return with pleasure. Do not forget to book otherwise you will stay hungry :).

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