Jardin de l'État de Saint-Denis

RĂ©unionJardin de l'État



🕗 horaire

2, Rue Poivre, 97400, Saint-Denis, Saint Denis, RE Reunion
contact téléphone: +262 262 20 02 19
site web: www.cg974.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8869223, Longitude: 55.4509524

commentaires 5

  • en

    Steven Ladworth


    Lovely place, but I've been to better botanical gardens

  • Guillaume Gouges

    Guillaume Gouges


    Nice place to sit down and relax. Make sure to visit the museum there. The exhibitions are of great quality and the staff very nice.

  • Asia Fordfontein

    Asia Fordfontein


    A really lovely quiet place to relax away from the city life. It's very well-kept and aesthetic. It's a wonderful place to take photos or just to go for a walk and enjoy the nature either alone or with family. There is an area where children can play. It's not as wild and free as some other botanical gardens, but it is still very beautiful.

  • Jacquie P Teitge

    Jacquie P Teitge


    Lovely clean neat play area just restaurant only accept Euro as payment which sucks as I only had USD on me!

  • en

    eric leroy


    It's Saint Denis's only garden . Not so "botanical" and only a few big trees remain. It lacks lushness and thickness, depth and solitary peaceful corners. The pond and the small museum look so desperately formal. But overall it's a great place for kids with a lot of games and attractions (water guns..).Cycling forbidden. Closes early. No dogs. Stray cats tolerated.

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