Dr. Alain Bréhat i Saint-Pierre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningDr. Alain Bréhat



🕗 åbningstider

41, Rue du Four à Chaux, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 25 55 21
internet side: dr-alain-brehat.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -21.3421171, Longitude: 55.4741632

kommentar 2

  • Daniel



    Professional, efficient and always on time. In a word amazing

  • Anthony Vitry

    Anthony Vitry


    Haughty and non-professional person, to flee!! I had a toothache in April, a dentist advised me Dr BREHAT, I make a phone call and they tell me the nearest appointment is in a month and a half (let's move on, in the meantime I'm stuffing myself with medication but it happens). Arrived the day of the consultation, I am told that the scanner of my teeth is not compliant and that I have to go to a radiologist to redo it. I do it again, I go with Dr. BREHAT, he examines me for 2 minutes, he sees the dental infection and tells me that it will be necessary to wait 3 months (no, I'm not kidding) for the operation. I tell him that I wouldn't take it, he gets angry and sends me packing and swinging at me: I challenge you to find a specialist who would operate on you before September! I went elsewhere, they operated on me 2 weeks later! Cheer !

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