Créperie Saint Malo i Saint Pierre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningCréperie Saint Malo



🕗 åbningstider

1, Rue du Port, 97410, Saint Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-2, RE Réunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 25 75 25
internet side:
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Latitude: -21.3433159, Longitude: 55.4767694

kommentar 5

  • Julie Boyer

    Julie Boyer


    Restaurant opposite the port of Saint-Pierre, a setting reminiscent of Brittany. The service is good, the dishes are excellent, I highly recommend for lovers of Breton pancakes.

  • blanchet virginie

    blanchet virginie


    Looking at the reviews, I thought I'd come across fine dining. I don't know if it's because of the end of service, I only arrived for a crepe around 2:30 p.m. Chocolate banana crepe, simple. Well stocked but the dressage really needs to be reviewed. As well as the price... Charming restaurant and pleasant waiter.

  • Robyn Hurley

    Robyn Hurley


    Very pleasant. Good service. Crepes were delicious

  • Steffi Sell

    Steffi Sell


    My story of (not) having one sweet crêpe 1.time, I arrived at 10 pm already closed, ok 2. time, I arrived at 9.35 pm already closed....if so 3. time (a croweded night in St Pierre), I arrived at 9.15 pm already closed ' if it not so crowded the kitchen will be closed earlier' ...thanks so the service! They should update their opening hours on their website, there is written open until 10.30 pm

  • Riccardo Bagattin

    Riccardo Bagattin


    Really cozy location and nice personnel. I felt in love with the salted caramel crêpe.

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