Cap Marine 2 de Saint-Pierre

RéunionCap Marine 2


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Avenue Daniel Ramin, 97410, Saint-Pierre, Canton de Saint-Pierre-3, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.3625344, Longitude: 55.5317339

commentaires 5

  • Emmanuelle Laurence

    Emmanuelle Laurence


    Dinner dance for the AJP young football small island to discover Europe.

  • Christine Francois

    Christine Francois


    C a room for large events for more than 200 people

  • Carmagnole Frederic

    Carmagnole Frederic


    Friendly, family, easy.d.access, parking available on site or on the beach... great in short

  • Patrice DE GLICOURT

    Patrice DE GLICOURT


    A place studied correctly to make the "party" for the famous "dinner dances". The building is welcoming with its car park, but above all for its internal design, indeed the space is very large, without posts and has adapted and warm lighting! We are far from the cold industrial white that we can meet too often in certain reception rooms... The delimited space for dancing is worthy of a discotheque for its sound quality and the luminous atmosphere. The staff is available and the food is of high quality. An unmissable place in Grand Bois.

  • Dom



    Invited to a wedding of about 300 people. Large room and which seems recent, for 300 people but which would seem to me just for 500 people. The meal was excellent, especially the starters. Kind staff. Clean toilets. Decent DJ, varied music. Very good organization, you can see that they are used to managing.

Restaurant la plus proche

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