Caisse d'Epargne La Possession de La Possession

RĂ©unionCaisse d'Epargne La Possession



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82, N1E, 97419, La Possession, Canton de la Possession, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 22 06 88
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.9329026, Longitude: 55.3347515

commentaires 5

  • Guylene DANY

    Guylene DANY


    Very nice home, Good professionalism of employees

  • Anissa omarjee

    Anissa omarjee


    Reactivity, availability and follow-up in the procedures. Here is 1 adviser who listens, and who cares about providing a quality of service. Thanks to Mr Romain Lavisse for his professionalism! Well-deserved 5 stars thanks to your adviser!

  • malo trihan

    malo trihan


    Can't get them We've been waiting for a cb for over a month, no response by email, I do not recommend this bank And I'll get out of this bank ASAP

  • Anaelle Lcy

    Anaelle Lcy


    To flee !!! Difficult to reach them, you have to harass and again!! Even when you come there you are told such a thing but the days pass and nothing happens as you are told! To close the accounts (due to metropolis move) it's quite a story!!! I'm on vacation on my island and I have to go see them I don't know how many times to settle this closing story that doesn't even take 2 min!! In short, I am VERY happy to leave home.

  • Margot Hgnt

    Margot Hgnt


    Unreachable by phone and emails to account manager go unanswered. Makes you want to change banks.

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