BNP Paribas Réunion - Saint-Leu de Saint-Leu

RéunionBNP Paribas Réunion - Saint-Leu



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154, Rue du General Lambert, 97436, Saint-Leu, Canton de Saint-Leu, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262 800 81 28 12
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -21.1714974, Longitude: 55.2879234

commentaires 2

  • Kelaam



    Agency zero zero zero!! Whatever the problem, or the time of day, agency unreachable by phone. Customer for 1 year still no online service so no autonomy or visibility on the account. Big problem in case of loss or theft of the card. On a daily basis, need to check the balance at the counter... No solution provided by "my adviser", who can't do anything "sent an email". Anyway no functional application, here the BNP prefers to lag behind on new technology... And for a few months now my statements are no longer received at my address... "exceptional problem" "we don't know" "I I sent an email", no one can say, if they are sent and where they arrive. Well done data security! In short, flee the bnp and even more this agency!!

  • Mika Ravet

    Mika Ravet


    Worst bank in the world, more than two days of waiting for transfers from account to account in the same bank, unacceptable

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