BNP Paribas de Saint-Denis

RéunionBNP Paribas


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67, Rue Juliette Dodu, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE Réunion
contact téléphone: +262
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8789135, Longitude: 55.4515529

commentaires 2

  • Damien Nativel

    Damien Nativel


    Really annoying. Incompetent adviser and no internal communication, that's what they are paid for. What is a computer for?! It disgusts me to give them even 1 cent to this bunch of incompetents!! 2h30 wasted for nothing! and on my working time psk of course they are only open when they have work. I have no words to express my displeasure. Immediate change of bank.

  • Co Alafolie

    Co Alafolie


    The lady at the reception is just unbearable. No respect for the customer! No professionalism! Not even able to offer us any solution! Besides, they didn't even look for it! Extremely disappointed!!!!!

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