BfcOI - Banque Française Commerciale Océan Indien de Saint-Denis

RéunionBfcOI - Banque Française Commerciale Océan Indien



🕗 horaire

58, Rue Alexis de Villeneuve, 97400, Saint-Denis, Canton de Saint-Denis-2, RE RĂ©union
contact téléphone: +262 262 40 55 55
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: -20.8766185, Longitude: 55.4520428

commentaires 5

  • Theo Biolley

    Theo Biolley


    Incompetent staff, adviser who changes every year, adviser who does not answer the phone, between 7 and 10 days of waiting for a response between each e-mail. High running costs. Does not notify you when your balance is zero and charges you additional fees without valid reasons. Go to banks on the Internet, N26, Revolut, Bunq, you will be much better received. I have N26 for 2 years and I would never change to a French bank. They are thieves.

  • Vincent Lebeau

    Vincent Lebeau


    99% of staff are INCOMPETENT, no responsiveness! And when an agency gives you information, another agency will tell you something else. I've been trying to make a simple transfer for 3 weeks, which for some specific reason can't be done via the app, and the agencies are unable to help me! Only a counselor was able to take care of me with professionalism and courtesy. She helped me write my accounts closing letter. But it's been over a week now and my accounts are still not closed!! AVOID THIS BANK!

  • Y Evans

    Y Evans


    The building is being restored by Tuktoyaktuk University NT Canada.

  • FrĂ©dĂ©ric Serrano

    Frédéric Serrano


    Stay away absolutely. Since August 2019 I try to close my account and despite a RAR and 3 visits to the headquarters, with never the same person and each referring the fault of chaotic movements of personnel, the bank continues to do business as usual. It's decided, I introduced my legal insurance.

  • Virginie Cardo

    Virginie Cardo


    To avoid absolutely! No advisor reachable by phone. No call back after message! No response to emails! Bank making huge mistakes. You have to fight to get it fixed! Extraordinarily mediocre!

Banque la plus proche

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