Aeroport Reunion Roland Garros i Sainte-Marie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GenforeningAeroport Reunion Roland Garros


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74, Avenue Roland Garros, 97438, Sainte-Marie, RE Reunion
kontakter telefon: +262 262 48 81 81
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.8918777, Longitude: 55.5121669

kommentar 5

  • 李小



    Great airport.

  • Kunal Kasoar

    Kunal Kasoar


    Found the smoke area. It's small with two chairs. It's next Air France Lounge

  • Pascal Diekmann

    Pascal Diekmann


    Very nice and beautifull Airport. Not that big and the waiting because its not that big is not so long. Has a beautiful waiting Space, atleast if you sit at the front and can watch the Airplanes take off. If you have problems with luggage it gets solved quite fast.

  • en



    Hey, In an international airport you should enforce the shops to keep menu boards in English as well. How do we read french if we are from non french speaking countries. And also while waiting for the connecting flights, no shops here are accepting international credit cards. Why should I need to hold euros when I visit your airport to just get another one flight. We were like stranded when we were waiting for our connecting flight to India. Had to stay without food/water for 5 hours. Make the passengers stay safe. Don't think only about the wellness of french people when it comes to an international airport.

  • en

    Mieke Bester


    Airport is fine. It's undergoing some construction at the moment. Once you are through the boarding gate there is only one snackbar, so eat before going through security. Free WiFi. No simcards for sale at the airport. Toilets have no seats? General condition of toilets not great.Is that a European thing? For air austral check in we waited 45 mins before the checkin desks opened late.

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